Private Security Contractor Test Prep

  • Author: Patrick Jones
  • Level: Experience
  • Study time: Self=pace
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Test Prep Course

  • Training Content: 
    • Illinois Compile Statues 720
    • Illinois Compile Statues 725
    • Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations Act & Rules
    • U. S. and Illinois Constitution
    • General Tips on Preparing for Test
  • Practice Exams: 3

What's included?

  • IDFPR Licensing Applications
  • Review on Laws, Acts & Regulations
  • 3 Practice Exams with answer key
  • General Tips on Taking Tests
  • 12-month access to content

Testing to become an Illinois Private Security Contractor

This Prep Course is designed to help you with getting prepare to take a State Exam or a General test for licensing. This course includes constant updates as State Laws changes.

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Patrick Jones

Content Owner, Instructor

Active Law Enforcement officer (Ranks held: Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Lieutenant). I have trained and worked for over 23 years in the field of Contract Security, Local & Federal Law Enforcement. I have served as a Emergency Response Team (ERT) member in which I received strategic engagement training by FBI SWAT, Detroit Police SWAT, and Michigan State Police SWAT.
As a former Executive Protection member, I have several years of experience providing armed dignitary protection services. As a Field Training Officer & LE Instructor, I have created policies and procedures on training practices. As a Business Owner and People Leader in my professional occupation, I have developed training curriculums and effective training tools to improve staff performance duties. I have earned a Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice and a Master Certification in Critical Infrastructure Protection.